Kolorex Horopito Practitioner 60 Soft Capsules
Kolorex Horopito Practitioner 60 Soft Capsules
New Candida Treatment
What is Kolorex?
Kolorex capsules contain only the milled leaves of Pseudowintera colorata. Pseudowintera colorata is a native New Zealand shrub that Dr. John Walker and his team at Canterbury University discovered contains polygodial, a very fast acting and effective agent against Candida and other fungi. They found polygodial was more active against Candida than the most powerful antifungal commercially available (Amphortericin B).
How Do I Take It?
As with all powerful herbal medicines it should be used in moderation. A survey of 11 naturopaths from around New Zealand (Forest Farm, 1992) found the most effective dose to be one capsule per day for 30 days. The regime can be repeated as required. It should be taken on a full stomach and washed well down with water.
Kolorex's new extraction process captures more of our Horopito leaf’s bioactive compounds and along with it, the natural, green chlorophyll colour. We’ve chosen not to artificially disguise the chlorophyll because taking a natural approach informs everything we do at Kolorex.
There is no change to the dosage or the efficacy, your soft gels will work exactly the same as before. We’re proud of our constant innovation, and our new clean, green colour.
Ingredients: Pseudowintera colorata (Horopito) leaf liquid extract 30mg equiv. to dry leaf 250mg per capsule. Other ingredients: olive oil, gelatin, glycerol, purified water, medium chain triglycerides. Contains sulphites.
Produced by: Forest Herbs of New Zealand.